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Everything You Need

Early Learning
Warralily nestles in the heart of Melbourne's exciting northern corridor. Major urban centres such as Craigieburn, Epping and Wallan are just a few minutes' drive away, and between them offer a dizzying array of shops, schools, community and entertainment facilities.

Close proximity to Melbourne Airport, nearby employment hubs and the Hume Freeway allow you to work close by, while future development south of Warralily, will bring exciting employment opportunities, more schools and other services even closer. With all this exciting growth Warralily will always remain a private oasis without the hustle and bustle that comes with it. Closer to home the future retail site at Warralily has been sold to Coles and the future Beveridge Town Centre* will feature a range of retailers, community facilities and a train station* to get you where you need to go.

*Proposed amenity is being delivered by third parties and is subject to relevant approvals. The proposed amenity will not be owned or managed by Warralily and timings and outcome are outside of Warralily's control and subject to change and delay.

Life at Leisure

Early Learning
Warralily includes an impressive collection of recreation facilities at Club Warralily alongside the beautiful greens and waterways of the stunning Warralily Golf Course. Nearby country towns allow you to enjoy life's little pleasures at unique markets, vineyards and historical shopping strips. Club Warralily's gorgeous on-site restaurant and cafe is a natural meeting point for friends, family and neighbours and serves an array of delicious menu items. You'll also enjoy the fun trivia nights, resident events, special themed menus and more! Club Warralily is about taking time out and relaxing in your exclusive resort style getaway

Lifelong Learning

Early Learning

Image Credits. Craigieburn Central: One Retail Group Beveridge Primary School: Vic School Building Authority.

Quality education is on your doorstep at Warralily with a great range of early, private and government schools in the area, including Hume Anglican Grammar and Assumption College. Many local schools have bus services to and from Warralily. As an established award winning community, Warralily has delivered; Beveridge Primary School's new state of the art campus, The Greater Beveridge Community Centre with maternal child health, micro library and kindergarten, and the Warralily ELC, all bringing quality education options to your doorstep. Warralily is also in close proximity to universities and post-secondary education , including GO TAFE Wallan, Melbourne Polytechnic's Epping Campus, La Trobe University and RMIT Bundoora.


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